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CCBI Media Apostolate Empowers Indian Church Communicators

The CCBI Media Apostolate, run by India’s Latin-rite Catholic Bishops, offers a three-day training course in Karnataka State for Church media professionals, entitled “Unlocking Communication Excellence: Empowering Dioceses”.

In a collaborative effort, the CCBI Media Apostolate recently organized a three-day training program aimed at enhancing social communications within the Church. Entitled “Unlocking Communication Excellence: Empowering Dioceses,” the comprehensive training course took place on 15-17 November 2023, at the Sandesha Centre in Mangaluru.

The program was held in partnership with the Sandesha Foundation for Culture and Education and the Karnataka Regional Catholic Bishops’ Council (KRCBC) Regional Office of Communications. It was designed to impart knowledge and skills to Church communicators, and began with a briefing by Fr. Sudeep Paul, MSFS, Regional Secretary for Social Communications and Director of the Sandesha Foundation of Culture and Education.

The sessions were inaugurated by Bishop Henry D’Souza, of the Diocese of Bellary and Chairman of the CBCI Commission for Social Communications, who emphasized the importance of effective communication within the Church and its affiliated bodies. Fr. Cyril Victor, Coordinator of the CCBI Media Apostolate and Director of the Bangalore Archdiocesan Communication Centre, led discussions on various topics such as “Exploring Institutional Communication Strategies” and “Identifying Resources for Success.”

He shed light on various media initiatives undertaken by the Conference of Catholic Bishops of India (CCBI). The training sessions also featured a lineup of speakers on various topics, including Fr. Sudeep Paul, MSFS, who addressed the subject of “Handling Crisis Communications: Preserving and Defending the Diocesan Image.”

Dr. Juby Thomas, Associate Professor of Journalism, shared insights on “Mastering Newsgathering and Reporting Techniques to Promote Diocesan Identity”, alongside “Effective Public Relations and Media Relations.”

Highlighting the role of technology, Royal Praveen D’Souza and Reji P. John, Assistant Professors at St. Aloysius College, Mangaluru, conducted a session on “Harnessing the Power of Social Media and AI Applications: Promoting the Diocesan Identity.”

Adding a creative touch, Fr. William Marcel, SJ, of St. Aloysius College, offered insights during his session on “Crafting Impressive and Creative Media Content.” The culmination of the three-day program featured a stimulating panel discussion on various diocesan media initiatives in the Karnataka region.

Fr. Cyril Victor expressed gratitude and acknowledged the collective efforts to unlock communication excellence and empower Church communicators with the necessary skills to navigate the evolving landscape of social communications.

Source: Vatican News