Home » After 40 Years, Grandson Trumps ‘Adopted’ Son to Inherit Property
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After 40 Years, Grandson Trumps ‘Adopted’ Son to Inherit Property

The grandson of a septuagenarian woman from Andhra Pradesh spent four decades of his prime years in the labyrinthine litigation queue to finally oust an imposter ‘adopted son’ from inheriting a valuable property.

Seventeen of these years were spent in the Andhra high court, and sixteen in the Supreme Court which has repeatedly ruled that the right to speedy justice is part of right to life.

The woman, Venkubayamma, made a will in May 1981, bequeathing her property in a town in Odisha to her only grandson, Kaliprasad. After she died in July 1982, a man who claimed to be her ‘adopted son’ produced an adoption deed of April 1982 and a will of May 1982 by which she gave him the same property after cancelling the earlier one.

Source: The Times of India